Chris Grey & the BlueSpand


Chris Grey, Kasper Lauersen and Lars von TrommenStick have crossed musical paths many times over the years, but their true power and unique sound emerges almost magically only when the three of them meet on stage alone. When the three seasoned players officially formed a trio for the first time in late 2011, it marked the start of an exciting musical journey.


By 2011, bouts of depression, personal disasters and a general sense of having hit bottom and ended up at a musical dead-end had all three members of Chris Grey & The Bluespand longing for a fresh start. So when the three made a date to try something new, they vowed to make it a date with destiny. No conforming to latest trends or aiming too hard to please.

All following intuition and making music they knew they had to make.


And do you know what? It worked. The band’s newfound devotion to pure music and to each other engendered a new sound that would evolve over the next months into something of a life force. Goodbye pills and shrinks. Hello Blues!


The band devoted the following year to live gigging, and rumors started to fly that something extraordinary was taking place with the blues in the Kingdom of Denmark. In 2012, the band won “The Danish Blues Challenge” and was ordered to Toulouse to play for music industry heavyweights from across Europe. In Toulouse, the band met German soul, funk and blues artist Tommy Schneller, who promptly invited them to tour Germany and later agreed to appear on the band’s debut album.

By this point, Chris Grey & The Bluespand knew they were on to something and decided to record their debut album. Recording sessions were held from late 2013 through the summer of 2014, interrupted only by a well-received tour of Germany.






Dan Lucas - Frank Nimsgern - Dieter Hallervorden - Jasmin Wagner - Calico Skies - Kommando Grimm - Prager Symphonie Orchester  - Joko Winterscheidt - Oliver Pocher -  The Best of Black Gospel - Verona Pooth - Lisa Feller -  Andrew "The Bullet" Lauer - Matze Knob - Chris Grey & The BlueSpand - 4xSample Beatbox Crew - Sarah Lesch - Bethanien Kinderdörfer - Veranstaltungsbüro Wünsch - Konzertbüro Leipzig - Golden Ticket - Brücken Center Ansbach - Weingut Wasem Ingelheim am Rhein - Heinlein Plastik GmbH - Buchner GmbH & Co. KG - Förderzentrum St. Laurentius Neuendettelsau -  Vital Center Ansbach- Bundesjugenhilfe Musikprojekt - Bundesverband Katholischer Einrichtungen - One Nation Spendengala -

ATBL-MUSIC Jam Night uvm.



Am Hirtenfeld 53b

91522 Ansbach

Telefon: +49 (0) 981 977 666 77


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